presented by the london neo-futurists

Image credit @coucou_illustration and Graham Self

The London Neo-Futurists present our flagship show The Dirty Thirty. The Dirty Thirty is a Menu of thirty original two-minute plays that we attempt to perform in one hour, against the clock.

We write plays from our own lived experience and perform as ourselves, always using the four rules of Neo-Futurism: we are us, we are here, the time is now and we’re really doing what you see us doing.

The plays in our Menu could be anything - comedy, performance, intricate dances, games, songs, interactive experiences and happenings beyond definition. The company makes new material to add to the Menu each weekend we perform, creating an ever-changing deli counter of live art snacks. 

Each performance is an unreproducible living newspaper of the comic and tragic, the political and personal, the visceral and experimental.

If you’ve seen the show once, you’ve seen the show once.

the dirty thirty international women’s day special, 2025

fri 7th march, 9pm

sat 8th march, 7pm

The rosemary branch theatre, london


We are Neo-Futurists, a theatre movement that mostly makes late-night live shows in Chicago, New York, San Francisco and London. Neo-Futurists make performances that follow four rules: we are who we say we are, the time is now, we are where we are, and we’re really doing what we’re really doing.

Degenerate Fox was founded in 2016 by New York Neos Desiree Burch and Kate Jones. The company is proudly made up of talented performers, writers, directors and theatremakers from across the globe, some of whom are LGBTQIA+ and/or disabled.